Wednesday 18 June 2014

Year 10 Moving up to Year 11


You have holiday homework which is due in during registration on the 20th August. Check and the "Circle Theorem" worksheet.

If you have any problems, I can be reached at school from August 14th.

Have a good holiday!

Monday 16 June 2014

FIFA World Cup

World Cup Fever has taken over in Maths!

Year 6 - 9 have been playing their own version of the World Cup using a mathematical model to represent a football game!

Results will be available as each contest draws to a close.

Year 6: Belgium

Year 7: Costa Rica

Year 8: Ghana

Year 9: Germany

Monday 24 March 2014

Maths Week 2014

Charter's Maths Week went well and there was great enthusiasm for the "daily puzzles".
Winners were: Kevin (Y6), Osh (Y9), Alena (Y2), Plaifon (Y3) and (Y6).

Key Stage 3 students (Year 7, 8 and 9) all participated in a 3D shapes scavenger hunt and a shape-related treasure hunt during their maths classes this week.

Key Stage 2 students (Year 3,4,5 and 6) constructed 3D shapes from nets and joined them to make "Maths Creatures" - some photos below and more on class blogs.


Key Stage 1 (Reception and Years 1 & 2) had fun with tessellations - check out their class blogs for photos!

Thanks to everyone who got involved.

Sunday 17 November 2013

December Examinations

****December Examinations****

A reminder that the exams are fast approaching. They will be held between 2nd December and 9th December and exact timetables will be confirmed soon.
The mathematics revision lists have been circulated in class. They are also available on the relevant year page and on the 'Maths Puzzles' notice-board outside Miss Page's room.

Remember, when you are sitting the examination you should:
  • relax, 
  • read questions carefully, 
  • show all your working.
Above all, this is an opportunity to show how well you understand - enjoy it!

Monday 16 September 2013

The school is registered with the maths website This should help students to structure their maths work and enable parents to see how they are progressing. Each student has already been given a letter explaining how to access the materials at home.

Each of the lessons in the library has an Online Homework. Students will be directed to do these tasks by their teacher. 

Instructions for Log In:
Go to
Enter the school login and password (provided by your teacher).
On the next page enter your private login and password in the pink 'My Portal' box. 

If you have been set a task by their teacher the task will appear under MyTasks. You must complete both pages of the Online Homework for the scores to be saved to the database. 
Other activities may also appear under MyActivities. If no lessons are appearing then you have a Pop-Up Blocker installed. You MUST allow to use Pop-Ups.

You can see all your results by clicking MyResults. There is a system of Traffic Lights for each of the Tasks to indicate how successful you have been.

If a green light appears next to a topic = good skills in this area.
If an amber light appears  = still have difficulties.
If a red light appears  = go back and relearn the topic. Try the Lesson again or ask your teacher for help.

Have fun!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Year 10 moving up to Year 11


You will need your geometry set (compass, protractor, etc.) on the first day back - the 21st August.

You also have holiday homework. Check and the "Circle Theorem" worksheet.

If you have any problems, I can be reached at school from August 15th.

Have a good holiday!

Monday 4 February 2013

World Maths Day

The school has once again registered for the competition which takes place
All students have their personal log in and password.

Website is now OPEN for practise. Get online, challenge others around the world and have fun!

World Maths Day (log in on the top, right-hand side of the screen)