Wednesday 18 June 2014

Year 10 Moving up to Year 11


You have holiday homework which is due in during registration on the 20th August. Check and the "Circle Theorem" worksheet.

If you have any problems, I can be reached at school from August 14th.

Have a good holiday!

Monday 16 June 2014

FIFA World Cup

World Cup Fever has taken over in Maths!

Year 6 - 9 have been playing their own version of the World Cup using a mathematical model to represent a football game!

Results will be available as each contest draws to a close.

Year 6: Belgium

Year 7: Costa Rica

Year 8: Ghana

Year 9: Germany

Monday 24 March 2014

Maths Week 2014

Charter's Maths Week went well and there was great enthusiasm for the "daily puzzles".
Winners were: Kevin (Y6), Osh (Y9), Alena (Y2), Plaifon (Y3) and (Y6).

Key Stage 3 students (Year 7, 8 and 9) all participated in a 3D shapes scavenger hunt and a shape-related treasure hunt during their maths classes this week.

Key Stage 2 students (Year 3,4,5 and 6) constructed 3D shapes from nets and joined them to make "Maths Creatures" - some photos below and more on class blogs.


Key Stage 1 (Reception and Years 1 & 2) had fun with tessellations - check out their class blogs for photos!

Thanks to everyone who got involved.